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Orang Dalem - Referral Agent Program by SME

During this pandemic, everyone needs additional income, but are still confused about how to do it?

PT. SME provides the SOLUTION, a referral program that is very easy and provides many benefits to generate additional income and not only material, but also in terms of expanding connections in the community.

Have you never heard of the term referral? In the world of side or main business as well as online or offline we will often meet this term. Referral is a system where you invite (refer) people to cooperate or use services to one of the sites offered.

Get passive income up to 50 million! 0% CAPITAL, 0% EFFORT, 0% RISK.
Just change the CONNECTION to REZEKI.
Introduce your CONNECTIONS to us and SME will proceed for you.

Let’s look at the following video, an introduction to what a referral agent program by SME called Orang Dalem is, to how you can earn each month.

From the video above, can you understand how easy it is to get additional income from this referral agent program by SME? Let’s join now to become a ORANG DALEM, Change CONNECTION to REZEKI. Introduce your CONNECTION to us.

Anything still not clear? The following are frequently asked Q&A or don’t hesitate to contact us! The SME presentative team will serve and help you to get the maximum monthly commission. For more information, click on the WhatsApp link at the bottom right.

Who can join as ORANG DALEM?

Anyone can join the referral agent program by SME, from entrepreneurs, employees, students to housewives.

Is there a cooperation contract?

Of course there is, to guarantee you that SME will commit to giving each commission every month according to the agreement and the agreed commission scheme.

Are required to have a laptop and need to follow the working hours?

Certainly not required to have a laptop and are not obliged to follow the working hours.

How does the system work to generate additional income?

The way it works is very simple and easy, just introduce your connection to SME and we will follow up to become a client. After success, you will get a commission from the customer’s payment to SME every month.

Is there a target scheme that must be achieved every month?

There is no target scheme for achieving monthly turnover, it’s just that if you want to achieve the best target, there must be additional customers every month for SME follow-up. The more successful connections, the more monthly income you will receive.

Is there a validity period to get a monthly commission?

By contract the maximum commission will be given for 1 year and as long as there are still payments by customers from your connection. But if our assessment of your performance and income is always increasing then there will be additional time for you to continue to enjoy a maximum of 2 years of commission.

What connection is the Orang Dalem target?

The connection needed is a person who can make decisions or the head of the division that uses the services to be provided. Such as people with the following positions:

  1. Head General Affair
  2. Head of IT
  3. Operational Manager
  4. Project Manager
  5. Director

What are the obligations of the Orang Dalem from the start and after becoming an SME customer?

Orang Dalem’s obligation is to introduce your connections to the SME team and maintain good relations with your connections while you are an SME customer.

What are the Rights of the Orang Dalem?

  1. Of course get monthly income from the agreed commission scheme.
  2. Get assistance to explain service products to offer letters that your Connection needs.

Is there a prohibition on Orang Dalem?

Of course, it is prohibited to violate the provisions written in the agreement, including leaking the existing cooperation between SME and your connection to a third party or SME service competitor.

Is Orang Dalem can reach tens of millions per month and business fields what is the connection?

Of course you can, with more connections, especially those engaged in Call Center, Fintech, Banking, Collection and Insurance.

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