Smart AI Voice is a technology that has the ability to use Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) to process human conversations, receive and interpret customer intent and communicate to a level close to human intelligence.
2 Solutions
Smart AI Voice
Remind Customers before Due Date
New Customer Intention Screening
2 Solutions
Smart AI Voice
Sample of Smart AI Voice
Here are some sample recordings for Smart AI Voice Robot conversations with customers with various contact center functions.
Tele-collection can be defined as part of a company that is tasked with billing using Smart AI Voice.
Collection Bot Customers have difficulty paying: Collection Bot persuade to pay 50 of minimum bill: Collection Cannot pay handling: Collection Explain payment channel: Collection Bot detect will pay within a week:
Collection Bot Customers have difficulty paying: Collection Bot persuade to pay 50 of minimum bill: Collection Cannot pay handling: Collection Explain payment channel: Collection Bot detect will pay within a week:
In Indonesia, insurance has also started to develop, here is an example of the voice of Smart AI Voice in offering insurance.
Sample bot Insurance Poistive Interest: Sample bot Insurance Bot Covince:
Sample bot Insurance Poistive Interest: Sample bot Insurance Bot Covince:
Contacting potential customers by phone to offer products using Smart AI Voice.
Multifinance Telesales Interested: Multifinance Telesales Not Interested:
Multifinance Telesales Interested: Multifinance Telesales Not Interested:
Calling specific people to sell products provides information about Unsecured Credit using Smart AI Voice.
Telesales KTA Interest Interupt Bot Explaination:
Telesales KTA Interest Interupt Bot Explaination:
Receive incoming calls using Smart AI Voice with the function of handling incoming customer phone calls.
Inbound CS Sample:
Inbound CS Sample:
The survey method is conducted by telephone using Smart AI Voice.
Sample Bot Telesurvey:
Sample Bot Telesurvey:
Receive and record guest orders which will then be forwarded to the relevant section using Smart AI Voice.
Order taking Sample make order: Order taking Sample order later:
Order taking Sample make order: Order taking Sample order later: